Sunday, April 19, 2009

Finance in stockmarket

Isn't this great? I found some elementary school friends in friendster. Reunion via the internet! Haha! But what is so good about this is that one of them is in the stock market, or is a broker. Andthis friend is more than happy to help me out (to mentor me! Yupiee!!) Great! How can heaven be oh so good to me!:) Thank God! I always was interested on how to earn in this avenue(what with all the stories going around how you can be a millionare if you just play it right)...Wow! this is getting more exciting! ... Can't wait to share to you, my colleagues, how we can earn on the stockmarket....keep on viewing this site for updates.... Ciao!!!

More of my financial adventures?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Financial Mindset

Nurses are becoming too large in number. Each year, new batch of nurses graduate, pass or fail the nursing board exam, land on a nursing job or other non-nursing jobs like as a call center agent or as a medical representative. Others volunteer to a hospital to gain experience. Some still does not practice their profession anymore.

I have been a registered nurse for more that 10 years. Last 2008, I also took the Midwifery Board exam after completing baby deliveries required to take the board exam. Last March, I finished my Masterate Degree in Nursing. I am "okay" as a Nursing Coordinator in a state university. However, my salary is not enough to augment my family's needs and food on the table.

I had always been interested in different earning opportunities like MLM, buy and sell, entrepreneurship, earning on the internet, among others. I can say I am an entreperenurse. I am a businurse-minded person. I am creating this site to share and learn more things about financial avenues that work.

There are lots of times I come across former nursing students and it ached my heart when I learn that they find difficulty looking for a job. I hope that this site woll help them see other earning opportunities avaiable for them beside landing on a nursing job, although I wish they can still practice their profession as I know it is their dream to serve the sick.

I am awed whenever a door of financial opportunity opens for me. Like this "blogging" thing which I find very helpful and timely. Thanks to Jomar Hilario. When we educate ourselves to learning new and effective things, we marvel on the wonders it does to our lives. My mind was first opened "formally" when I attended Bo Sanchez's How to Become Truly Rich seminar two years ago. My business minded self was boosted to its active momentum again after that and tried to venture into businesses that may help me earn more to help other people more, too. t was a great experience.

A fact is this. Your financial ventures will not "readily" or "instantly" give you back the "money thing". It never did me. BUT, the lessons I learned with each venture can amount to all the money I am still working on to earn more. However, God has always been faithful in teaching me through great and helpful peole He brings my way. After all, becoming truly wealthy does not only entails the money, more so, it is about gaining not only money, but rich experiences, valuable lessons, wonderful relationships, opportunities to serve and help others. Money will follow. Well, God knows you need it to help others! He is a wise God, you know. :)